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ISO/SAE 21434 Templates

Field-tested work templates for automotive cybersecurity compliance

How can you achieve ISO/SAE 21434 compliance in your vehicle development projects and reduce your cybersecurity resources at the same time? With our ISO/SAE 21434 templates, which provide you with a practical working template for developing the standard's work products.

Use templates for the successful implementation of ISO/SAE 21434

In the efficiency-driven vehicle development industry, OEMs and Tier N suppliers along the entire value chain are currently facing the same challenges worldwide in terms of regulatory requirements for the proper implementation of cybersecurity:

  • Insufficient internal expertise and lack of know-how
  • Lack of cybersecurity-specific internal capabilities/resources
  • Reduced budgets for utilising external specialists

At the same time, the fulfilment of cybersecurity requirements in accordance with given customer requirements and with regard to ISO/SAE 21434, UN R155/CSMS (among others) is considered a business-critical must-have in development projects.

Thus, the objective is to carry out the necessary elaborations at project level in a resource-efficient and fully compliant manner: with the help of tried and tested templates for the work products of ISO/SAE 21434.

Find out how our templates can be easily integrated into your projects and provide you with fundamental guidance on how to properly incorporate cybersecurity requirements into your existing development processes and procedures.

Item Definition Template (ISO/SAE 21434)

Conformity tested to Work Product [WP-09-01] from ISO/SAE 21434:2021

The ISO/SAE 21434:2021 standard provides a specific methodology for how cybersecurity must be taken into account in vehicle development projects. Certain procedures must be followed in the development of new components and systems (among other things) in order to process the cybersecurity requirements in the respective phase of development in accordance with the standard. The work product Item Definition and the associated elaboration of the same form the starting point of the concept phase. Especially since it is necessary to bring together interdisciplinary functions and information for this purpose (even across organizational boundaries), the use of a tried and tested template offers considerable added value for the development of the Item Definition.

The scope of delivery of our template includes working materials that provide you with essential assistance in the procedure and in the proper implementation of the ISO/SAE-21434 work products of the Item Definition. Our Item Definition Template consists of two documents:

  • An open Word template file (file format: .dotx, open file) for the development of the work product
  • A supplementary checklist as an Excel template file (file format: .xltx, open file) with brief instructions on how to prepare it

(acc. to ISO/SAE 21434:2021) [Customizable Word/Excel file]

Cybersecurity Plan Template (ISO/SAE 21434)

Conformity tested to Work Product [WP-06-01] from ISO/SAE 21434:2021

For vehicle development projects that are faced with the requirement to demonstrate compliance with the ISO/SAE 21434:2021 standard, the Cybersecurity Plan is an indispensable work product. The Cybersecurity Plan serves as a central document for planning, sustainably documenting and effectively managing all cybersecurity-related activities along the product development lifecycle of vehicles and components.

To ensure that this central document is fully prepared and properly completed (and thus ultimately lay the foundation for all cybersecurity engineering activities), it is advisable to use tried-and-tested tools. This is exactly what our Cybersecurity Plan template according to ISO/SAE 21434:2021 offers.

The template comes with working materials that make it much easier for you to create and manage the ISO/SAE-21434 work product of the Cybersecurity Plan. Our Cybersecurity Plan template consists of three documents:

  • An open Word template file (file format: .dotx, open file) for the preparation of the work product
  • A supplementary checklist as an Excel template file (file format: .xltx, open file) with brief instructions on how to proceed when preparing the work product
  • A Work Product Task Plan as an additional Excel template file (file format : .xltx, open file) for planning and tracking all cybersecurity-relevant work products in a development project

(acc. to ISO/SAE 21434:2021) [Customizable Word/Excel file]

Catalyst for efficient elaboration:

Especially in the tight resource environment of cybersecurity engineering/management, our templates save time and reduce the internal effort for the initial setup, elaboration and fully-compliant management of documents for the work products of ISO/SAE 21434.

Tried and tested, accurate and complete working materials:

Compliance with regulatory requirements does not allow OEMs and suppliers to experiment. Our templates are based on the experience gained from years of consulting work for challenging international vehicle development projects and meet the high quality requirements of the industry.

Full compliance with ISO/SAE 21434:

With the proper use of our templates and working materials, your organizational and development project-specific elaborations will reach the required level of maturity to be able to demonstrate full compliance with the requirements of ISO/SAE 21434, also for third parties.

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Promotion of cross-divisional collaboration in development projects:

Cybersecurity in development projects is not something that can be delegated just anywhere. Our templates provide you with everyday tools to improve the exchange of information, the obligation to provide evidence and, ultimately, collaboration on cybersecurity issues throughout the entire project.

How to use our ISO/SAE 21434 templates

Step by step to compliance with the industry standard ISO/SAE 21434:2021 in your vehicle development project. Below you will find a quick guide on how to use our ISO/SAE 21434 templates for your development project after purchasing them via the CYEQT Knowledge Base learning platform.

ISO/SAE 21434 Templates


Purchase your licensed ISO/SAE 21434 template on the CYEQT Knowledge Base learning platform: Our publicly accessible templates are only available for purchase on the CYEQT Knowledge Base learning platform. You can purchase your desired template online using the self-service principle.


After successful payment, you can immediately download the respective files of the ISO/SAE 21434 template for 48 hours in the login area of the learning platform. At the same time you will receive a confirmation email with all instructions. (Please note: archive files must be unpacked before use).


Get started with your ISO/SAE 21434 template! Along with the downloaded open files (delivered as template files in Word/Excel format), you will find brief explanations, checklists and guidance for the respective elaborations along the working materials and documents.

Erwerb Ihres lizenzierten ISO/SAE 21434 Templates auf der CYEQT Knowledge Base Lernplattform: Unsere öffentlich zugänglichen Templates finden Sie ausschließlich zum Erwerb auf der Lernplattform der CYEQT Knowledge Base. Entlang des Self-Service-Prinzips können Sie hier online den Erwerb Ihres gewünschten Templates vornehmen.

Nach erfolgreicher Zahlung steht Ihnen der sofortige Download der jeweiligen Dateien des ISO/SAE 21434 Templates für 48h im Login-Bereich der Lernplattform zur Verfügung. Gleichzeitig erhalten Sie eine Bestätigungsemail mit allen Instruktionen. (Bitte beachten Sie: Archivdateien müssen vor Nutzung entpackt werden.)

Los geht’s mit der Ausarbeitung mit Ihrem ISO/SAE 21434 Template! Einhergehend mit den heruntergeladenen offenen Dateien (ausgeliefert als Vorlagen-Dateien im Dateiformat Word/Excel) finden Sie Kurz-Erklärungen, Checklisten und Guidance für die jeweiligen Ausarbeitungen entlang der Arbeitsmaterialien und Dokumente.

Please note that our ISO/SAE 21434 work product templates are intended to provide you with a predefined structure for the development of the respective work products, but that these can still be adapted to the respective framework conditions in your given development project (customization/tailoring).

Even when using our ISO/SAE 21434 template, the buyer/user of our templates is still responsible for compiling/filling in the necessary information and content for the respective development project.

Additional service and support services are not part of the offer and are to be considered independently of the purchase of the template.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our ISO/SAE 21434 templates are intended for a wide range of experts and professionals in automotive and vehicle development, including systems engineers, software developers, hardware engineers, functional safety specialists, cybersecurity specialists, project managers, quality managers, independent consultants, freelancers and others.

The respective bundles contain template files (in open Word/Excel file format) with which the compliant preparation of the respective work products can be carried out along a predefined structure with all the necessary components and information requirements.

Our ISO/SAE 21434 templates are the result of real consultancy projects for leading global automotive customers. They are designed to fulfill the requirements of ISO/SAE 21434:2021 through a structured approach to preparation, elaboration and documentation that exactly meets the requirements, recommendations and scope of the standard (in the current version of the "First Edition" from August 2021).

Although our ISO/SAE 21434 templates contain static structural specifications, they can also be flexibly designed, filled and adapted to the specific requirements of your development project. In practice, our ISO/SAE 21434 templates serve as a starting point that can and should be expanded and modified as required.

The use of templates to develop ISO/SAE 21434 work products promotes collaboration between different organizations, teams and disciplines by providing a common framework for documentation and information exchange. This facilitates the systematic exchange of information and communication between system engineers, software and hardware teams and cybersecurity managers/engineers (and other roles).

In addition to the explanations and checklists within the respective ISO/SAE 21434 templates, the CYEQT Knowledge Base offers advanced training materials on ISO/SAE 21434 and its work products. Please check the learning content of the CYEQT Knowledge Base in the Automotive Cybersecurity Video Courses section.

Our ISO/SAE 21434 templates are designed as a universal and flexible tool that can be adapted to a wide range of project requirements. For specific challenges that are not directly covered by the template, extensions and adaptations can be made yourself. Please note that this need for organization- and project-specific adaptations is one of the guiding principles of the ISO/SAE 21434 standard.

The purchase of the templates as a stand-alone digital product does not include any support or services for the actual work with the ISO/SAE 21434 template or around the content development of the respective work products. Questions regarding technical support or the use and adaptation of the templates are not included in the scope of delivery. Sufficient explanations for handling the documents are provided.

Our ISO/SAE 21434 templates are provided to the customer as a digital product at the time of purchase; regular updates/updates are not part of the purchase agreement. The current templates comply with the latest requirements and best practices of the currently valid ISO/SAE 21434:2021 (in the "First Edition" of August 2021) and are based on real project work in the vehicle development environment.

Haven't found an answer to your question? Send us an email.

Questions about our ISO/SAE 21434 templates?

Please get in touch with us. We will be happy to answer your individual questions and provide you with more information about our ISO/SAE 21434 templates. Just send us a message.

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+49 89 9275 4198 0

Get your new Automotive Cybersecurity Certificate: 2025 dates now online

Have you already successfully completed an Automotive Cybersecurity Professional Training (live/video)? Excellent! Now it’s time for your ACP certification with TÜV Rheinland Certified Qualification.

The first dates for the official exams (online, live) with our certification partner TÜV Rheinland are already available online (more to follow). Please note the new procedure: First book your participation in the certification, then select the desired date via the platform.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your automotive cybersecurity certification or our training offerings.

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